I’ve never loved the word nipple until now.
In the last week, someone near and dear to me was diagnosed with breast cancer.
How did she know to get her breast health checked? She had a newly inverted nipple.
That’s not common knowledge for most people. And for her who has a history of it in her family, she thought it to be no big deal.
Until her job moved her to research it further…and I don’t mean look it up on WebMD, but seriously do some hardcore medical research.
If you are worried about an inverted nipple, a Gennev menopause-certified gynecologist can give you a trusted opinion, determine if medication is right for you, and they can provide prescription support. Book an appointment with a doctor here.
Breast Cancer After Showing An Inverted Nipple
Her findings turned up that it was an indication of breast cancer.
She made an appointment right away for a mammogram that turned into an ultrasound which became a biopsy which really set some wheels in motion.
For my friend, her newly inverted nipple was not impacting her daily health…and in fact, was commonplace in her family. So typically, someone in her shoes would write that off as normal, or as another “women’s bodies are complicated” notion.
Fortunately for her, her job involves researching health and wellness care for women. And, because she happened to be researching breast cancer indications (and came upon the inverted nipple indicator), she consulted with her doctor, the cancer was caught early, and she virtually saved her own life.
I’m sharing this story with you, because it underscores how responsible we are for our own health.
Being aware of our bodies, researching any big or small change and making it a priority to speak with a practitioner as soon as you see it versus feel the impacts of it is serious stuff.
We’re living longer, more vibrant lives than ever, and my hope is that Gennev is a place for answers – whether that be in a DIY sort of way or a reach out and ask for help way – just get curious and don’t waste time thinking you’re needy or wondering if something is “serious enough” to look into.
Is an inverted nipple a sign of breast cancer?
As a response to this new learning of an inverted nipple, you better believe that we’re adding it as a symptom to track within Gennev’s Menopause Assessment. We are publishing an updated version of the assessment in October 2019, so if you’ve taken it already, I highly encourage you to take it again at that time. Don’t worry, I will remind you.
And if you too have an inverted nipple, especially if this has happened recently, please go to see a doctor or specialist. Information is power and taking these scary changes head-on can save your life.