Over the past few weeks, I’ve been spending lots of time with people who want to join Gennev.
We’re growing our team. It’s a team that is doing something few people have the courage and drive to do: re-imagine modern menopause care.
It’s not the sexiest of missions, but it sure pulls at the heart. And there is a HUGE need.
Team Gennev is out to change how the world thinks about menopause. We’re out to change the way women get access to quality care. We’re out to change the way women take control of their health in the second half of life.
This week we welcomed our newest team member – Sarah Ramsay, Vice President of Technology.
As a health and wellness company, you may wonder why we’re not announcing a new doctor, health coach or therapist? Those roles are incredibly vital to bringing you the health and wellness education and services you need, but they rely on Sarah and her team to deliver it to you through systems that reach you no matter where you live.
Sarah has a deep background in building and managing both specialty and women's health solutions in organizations like Providence Health & Services and Fred Hutch Cancer Research.
She's also a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter and a woman who is here to make a big difference in how you find relief.
Welcome, Sarah!
I want to give you access into the people behind our mission. I want you to know that we’re women (and a few awesome men) who care deeply about women’s health, and our livelihoods are dedicated to bringing you medically backed information, validated products, and experienced practitioners.
Weekly, I get to hear from a handful of you in response to my blogs. Your emails are like an energy pill for team Gennev. I strip out your name and email and then share your thoughts, your feedback (good/bad) with the team, so that we’re more understanding of you.
The Gennev community is incredibly diverse. The more we hear from you, the better we are at our jobs.
If there is information, products, services, or programs you’d like to see us deliver, send me an email (jill@gennev.com).
I can assure you that there are many people who have a passion for re-imagining women’s health. I’ll keep searching for them, but it takes the community of you to make us smarter about what you need.
Have a great weekend!