"Fatigue" does not equal "tired." menopause fatigue is something else, and it can be exponentially worse. It isn't solved with "just get more sleep," and day after day of it can really wear you down.
Fatigue — real fatigue — is a common symptom of menopause. Symptoms makes work hard, exercise impossible, even thinking straight can feel like it takes all your resources.
The kind of fatigue we're talking about can be a result of less estrogen to "feed" your brain. If you have some menopause brain fog, forgetfulness, are easily distracted and occasionally confused, it's all part of the same process: your brain is trying to adapt to less estrogen.
While this part of perimenopause and menopause is temporary, it can last a year or two or longer. And if you don't know what's happening, it can be frightening. We hear from women all the time that they were terrified they were developing early onset dementia or that they'd been to a round of doctors to deal with "chronic fatigue." Finding out it's likely a (temporary) result of menopause is a huge relief.
Even worse than the symptom itself is that often, no one even mentions the culprit could be diminishing hormones, leading women to get expensive hormone level tests, waste time on incorrect diagnoses, and live in fear over a totally normal process. Thankfully, there are other more reliable tests for menopause diagnosis.
There are things you can do to fight the fatigue: the right nutrition and exercise are powerful tools, and there are medications that can help while your brain and body adjust to the new normal.
In this podcast, we hear from Gennev Director of Health Coaching, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Exercise Physiologist Stasi Kasianchuk and Naturopathic Physician Dr. Wendy Ellis on how to handle menopause fatigue.
What do you do to combat fatigue, and is it working? Or did you just have to wait it out? We'd love to hear how you handled it, so join the conversation in the Gennev community forums!